By Tyler
Happy New Year! I’ve been pretty busy lately, and so haven’t been able to put as much thought into a blog piece, I hope next month I can be on top of it.
That being said, recently some people have asked me to share my configuration files with them for neovim. Because of that, I decided to make my dotfiles repository public. With that in mind, I’d like to highlight a few parts I’m pretty proud of.
I use tmux to manage my different terminal sessions. Before using tmux, I often would open multiple terminal windows to manage different tools. Tests would be ran in one session, ssh connections in another, and other apps in another. With tmux I’m able to handle that all within one terminal, in a highly customizable and scriptable way.
One of the things I’m particularly fond of my statusline. On the statusline I’ve been able to link into playerctl to display the name of the artist and song that I’m listening to. If you have to use windows (like I do at work), you can use win_playerctl as an alternative for the statusline.
As mentioned earlier, tmux makes it easy to script your terminal environment. Here are two nice keybindings i’ve added to my config.
bind t neww -n "todo" -c "#{pane_current_path}" "[[ -e .todo.tdt ]] && vim .todo.tdt || vim ~/.todo.tdt"
bind T neww -n "todo" -c "#{pane_current_path}" "vim ~/.todo.tdt"
bind Q neww -n "sql" -c "#{pane_current_path}" 'vim -c "DBUI"'
The first two open my todo.tdt file I use to manage my task list. <C-Space>t
will open the local
(to the current working directory) task file, and then <C-Space>T
will open my root level todo
list. The finaly keybinding (<C-Space>Q
) will open vim up and put me into a DBUI
session. That final one is super helpful for being able to rapidly open a client to databases
I have to work with at work.
Also Included in dotfiles is my neovim configuration. There’s nothing too special about the configuration, but I’m pretty happy with it. However if you are looking for something in particular you can ask me on discord.